
Benefits of Systemic Enzyme Therapy with Nitric Oxide Releasers for Pain and Inflammation

Vascular Defense is formulated with Systemic Enzymes and Nitric Oxide herbs to offer a natural and holistic approach to manage pain and inflammation. Acute Inflammation is a reaction from the immune system when there is an injury, virus, or bacteria; whereas chronic inflammation can be caused by autoimmune disorders, toxins, untreated injury or infection, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Chronic inflammation triggers the immune system to continue sending inflammatory cells, causing inflammation to spread throughout the body.

Systemic Enzymes are absorbed through the intestines and into the blood stream where they circulate throughout the body breaking down mucus, allergens, fibrin, and toxins, which are additional causes of inflammation. Vascular Defense is armed with both Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide nutrients to aid with the circulation of enzymes via the blood stream, to increase blood flow throughout the body; making Vascular Defense an optimal natural therapy to reduce your body’s response to inflammation.

SunNutrition has formulated a unique therapy, Vascular Defense, which harnesses the power of 4 high potency Systemic Enzymes and a blend of 7 herbal Nitric Oxide nutrients to reduce inflammation. The most notable acute and chronic inflammatory reducers are: Serrapeptase, Bromelain, Ginger, Holy Basil, and Cayenne.

  • Serrapeptase has been successfully used in Japan and Europe for reducing inflammation and pain after surgery, trauma, and other inflammatory conditions.
  • Bromelain reduces inflammation and pain from muscles and tendons after an injury. It is also known to treat sinus and nasal inflammation.
  • Ginger’s natural bioactive compounds work to suppress inflammatory pathways throughout the body, reducing inflammatory conditions.
  • Holy Basil extract enhances the anti-inflammatory cytokines while reducing inflammatory cytokines. Holy basil also soothes the digestive tract.
  • Cayenne pepper contain capsaicinoids, a naturally occurring antioxidant compound which reduces the body’s inflammatory response by decreasing levels of inflammatory proteins.

Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, and Nattokinase also increase your body’s circulation and contribute to lower inflammation levels by breaking down and clearing mucus, fibrins, clots, biofilms, and cellular waste from the blood vessels.

1. Enhanced Pain Relief

Vascular Defense can provide effective pain relief for those suffering from various types of pain, including acute and chronic conditions. Systemic enzymes such as Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, and Bromelain cleanse the fibrin, clots, biofilms*, and cellular waste from the body to help alleviate pain associated with inflammation. Lumrokinase has also shown to reduce pain and swelling associated with arthritis. In addition, Beetroot Extract, Red Spinach Leaf Extract, and Garlic Extract support vasodilation, which widens the blood vessels to enhance blood flow, oxygen, and nutrient absorption throughout the body. This nitric oxide boost to the cardiovascular system contributes to pain relief due to inflammatory response.

*Biofilms may play a role in the development of septic arthritis and prosthetic joint infection, which are some of the most serious complications of orthopedic surgery. These infections can be very difficult to treat because biofilms are resistant to antibiotics and the natural response of immune system’s ability to clear them. Lumbrokinase is known to break down and clear biofilms.

2. Reduced Inflammation

Enzymes play a crucial role in modulating the body’s inflammatory response. There are two types of enzymes: Systemic and Digestive. Systemic Enzymes (taken in between meals) support the processes of the body by breaking down toxins, mucus, and cellular waste to regulate inflammation and repair organs and tissues; whereas Digestive Enzymes (taken with meals) support the digestive system by breaking down nutrients and increasing absorbency. Both types of enzymes are essential for overall health. Vascular Defense contains 4 high potency Systemic Enzymes to promote the breakdown of inflammatory compounds. The Systemic Enzymes consist of: Lumbrokinase (360,000 LKU), Serrapeptase (200,000 SPU), Nattokinase (2,000 FUs), and Bromelain (200 mg).

Vascular Defense also contains a Nitric Oxide herbal blend to reduce the body’s response to inflammation, support the immune function, and enhance healthy circulation. This herbal blend consists of: Beetroot Extract (20:1), Red Spinach Leaf Extract (30:1), Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract (4:1), Ginger Root Extract (4:1), Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper. This unique, high potency Systemic Enzyme blend and Nitric Oxide herbal blend is formulated to be used as a therapy to decrease swelling, joint stiffness, and other discomforts associated with inflammatory conditions.

3. Accelerated Healing

The combination of high potency Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide releasers can contribute to accelerated healing processes within the body. Systemic Enzymes, such as Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, and Bromelain facilitate tissue repair and regeneration; while the herbal Nitric Oxide releasers, such as Beetroot Extract and Red Spinach Leaf Extract support optimal blood flow and nutrient delivery to injured or inflamed tissues. This synergistic effect can promote faster recovery from trauma, injuries, surgeries, and chronic sources of tissue damage.

Lumbrokinase is known to break down and clear biofilms. Biofilms may play a role in the development of septic arthritis and prosthetic joint infection, which are some of the most serious complications of orthopedic surgery. These infections can be very difficult to treat because biofilms are resistant to antibiotics and the natural response of immune system’s ability to clear them.

4. Improved Mobility and Flexibility

Pain and inflammation can impact mobility, flexibility, anxiety, mood, quality of sleep, digestion, and the overall feeling of well-being. It is necessary to address the underlying factors that contribute to inflammation induced joint stiffness, and overall muscle and tendon discomfort. Vascular Defense’s combination of Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide releasers break down excess mucus and fibrin, support optimal blood flow, repair damaged tissue, and increases the vasodilation of blood vessels to enhance oxygen and nutrient absorption. The Vascular Defense therapy can help significantly by regaining the freedom of movement, minimizing pain, and enhancing your quality of life.

5. Natural Support with Fewer Side Effects

Vascular Defense is formulated from nature and works in harmony with the body’s own biochemical pathways to provide relief without the adverse risks and side effects commonly associated with over the counter and prescribed medications.

The Systemic Enzymes are proteolytic enzymes sourced from natural, non-synthetic sources. Proteolytic enzymes break down non-living tissue into amino acids, which are used to regulate inflammation, repair tissue and organs, and support the immune system.

  • Lumbrokinase is a complex proteolytic enzyme preparation sourced from earthworms.
  • Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that is produced naturally within the digestive tract of silkworms.
  • Nattokinase is a proteolytic enzyme derived from a Japanese food called Natto, which is non-GMO fermented soy.
  • Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple.

The herbal Nitric Oxide blend (Beetroot Extract, Red Spinach Leaf Extract, Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper) is sourced solely from plants and herbs, without fillers or binders.

Vascular Defense is encapsulated in DRcaps, which is a patented delayed release process capsule that is clinically studied to resist stomach acid. DRcaps consist of a non-GMO vegetable cellulose barrier that allows for a timed release for better absorption into the bloodstream. DRcaps are free from fillers, binders, GMOs, and allergens. Many Systemic Enzymes are produced with enteric coated capsules, which can contain phthalates (plasticizers) or other toxic chemicals. Many capsules also contain unhealthy fillers and binders that can make it more difficult to break down for timely absorption.

6. Overall Wellness Support

In addition to targeting pain and inflammation specifically, Vascular Defense is a holistic therapy option that contributes to overall wellness. The significant systemic effects of the high potency Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide blend may extend beyond pain and inflammation relief. Consistent therapy of Vascular Defense can also support cardiovascular health, healthy cholesterol levels, immune function, digestive health, and all aspects of well-being.

Benefits of Systemic Enzyme Therapy with Nitric Oxide Releasers for Healthy Heart & Increased Blood Flow

Are you looking for a holistic and effective way to support your heart health and improve blood flow? One of the key elements to increasing your cardiovascular health and improving blood flow is cleaning up mucus, fibrin and cellular waste throughout your blood vessels. It is also essential to increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body to ensure ultimate cardiovascular health.

Lumbrokinase, one of the Systemic Enzymes in Vascular Defense, breaks down fibrinogen, which is the protein associated with blood clotting. Lumbrokinase has a built-in balancing mechanism allowing it to break down excess fibrinogen only as needed. Fibrin is formed from fibrinogen when tissue damage causes bleeding. Lumbrokinase also breaks down and clears out excess fibrin, clots, and biofilms that can layer up in the blood vessels and hide harmful bacteria which can cause severe infections throughout the body. Lumbrokinase can also help prevent plaque buildup in the arteries

Serrapeptase, a Systemic Enzyme in Vascular Defense has been used throughout Japan and Europe to reduce pain and inflammation after trauma, injury, and surgery. Serrapeptase supports the respiratory health by reducing the production of mucus.

Nattokinase is another Systemic Enzyme in Vascular Defense, this proteolytic enzyme supports optimal blood flow and has the ability to dissolve blood clots. Nattokinase also protects against arterial plaque and can aid in lowering blood pressure.

Bromelain is also a Systemic Enzyme in Vascular Defense, and has been shown to help reduce clot formation and related cardiovascular events.

Vascular Defense is also formulated with 7 concentrated and effective Nitric Oxide releasing herbs, which include: Beetroot Extract (20:1), Red Spinach Leaf Extract (30:1), Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract (4:1), Ginger Root Extract (4:1), Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper. This synergistic combination of plants and herbs contribute to the following benefits:

  • Increased vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels) to increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients, which is part of the Nitic Oxide boosting benefits
  • Increased circulation
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels, and can reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides
  • High concentrations of phytonutrients and nitrates to boost vascular health
  • Digestive health
  • Microbiome support
  • Sinus and congestion relief
  • Regulates inflammation response

Enhanced Blood Circulation:

The concentrated Nitric Oxide herbal blend in Vascular Defense support the increase of circulation throughout the body. Beetroot Extract, Red Spinach Leaf Extract, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper are all known to enhance circulation and naturally widen the blood vessels (vasodilation) to enhance the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. There are many natural benefits of vasodilation, including: supporting lowering of blood pressure, aids in lowering total cholesterol levels, enhances athletic performance, and clears lipid deposits that can narrow the arteries.

Cardiovascular Support:

Cardiovascular health is crucial for longevity, prevention of certain diseases, and can overall improve your quality of life. The high potency Systemic Enzymes in Vascular Defense (Lumbrokinase 360,000 LKU, Serrapeptase 200,000 SPU, Nattokinase 2,000 FUs, and Bromelain 200 mg) play a critical role in maintaining the health of the circulatory system by breaking down excess fibrin, mucus, clots, and biofilms throughout the blood vessels. Other benefits include preventing the formation of plaque in the arteries, attaining lower blood pressure levels, and bolstering the immune system.

Additionally, the concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide blend (Beetroot Extract 20:1, Red Spinach Leaf Extract 30:1, Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract 4:1, Ginger Root Extract 4:1, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper) helps to regulate blood pressure, supports endothelial function*, and increases circulation; further promoting cardiovascular health.

*Endothelial function maintains homeostasis of the vascular wall and the flow of blood within it.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Vascular Defense is a therapeutic supplement containing anti-inflammatory properties. The unique formulation of Vascular Defense contains high potency Systemic Enzymes and concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide releasers to offer a natural and holistic approach to manage your body’s response to inflammation.

Acute Inflammation is a reaction from the immune system when there is an injury, virus, or bacteria; whereas chronic inflammation can be caused by autoimmune disorders, toxins, or untreated injury or infection, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Chronic inflammation triggers the immune system to continue sending inflammatory cells, causing inflammation throughout the body, and linked to various cardiovascular risks. Vascular Defense harnesses the power of Serrapeptase, Bromelain, Ginger, Holy Basil, and Cayenne to support the body’s response to inflammation, both acute and chronic.

  • Serrapeptase has been successfully used in Japan and Europe for reducing inflammation and pain after surgery, trauma, and other inflammatory conditions.
  • Ginger’s natural bioactive compounds work to suppress inflammatory pathways throughout the body, reducing inflammatory conditions.
  • Holy Basil extract enhances the anti-inflammatory cytokines while reducing inflammatory cytokines. Holy basil also soothes the digestive tract.
  • Cayenne pepper contain capsaicinoids, a naturally occurring antioxidant compound which reduces the body’s inflammatory response by decreasing levels of inflammatory proteins.

Improved Exercise Performance:

Nitric Oxide is recognized for its role in enhancing exercise performance by widening the blood vessels (vasodilation), increasing blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles for optimal absorption. Vascular Defense is formulated with Nitric Oxide herbal extracts (Beetroot Extract 20:1, Red Spinach Leaf Extract 30:1, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper) which leads to improved endurance, quicker recovery, and overall better physical performance.

Additionally, the Systemic Enzymes (Lumbrokinase 360,000 LKU, Serrapeptase 200,000 SPU, Nattokinase 2,000 FUs, and Bromelain 200 mg) in Vascular Defense clean and clear the blood vessels of excess fibrin, clots, biofilms; which enhances the effect of the Nitic Oxide herbal extracts. This therapeutic blend can help to optimize your fitness goals.

Overall Well-Being:

By supporting healthy circulation, reducing inflammation, promoting cardiovascular health, and supporting lower blood pressure levels, Vascular Defense can contribute to your overall well-being and longevity. A healthy heart and improved circulation are essential components of a balanced and vibrant lifestyle.

In addition to increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation, Vascular Defense is a holistic therapy option that synergistically combines Systemic Enzymes and Nitric Oxide plants and herbs to increase vasodilation and enhance exercise performance. Vascular Defense is a natural alternative to medications that can enhance your overall well-being.

Benefits of Systemic Enzyme Therapy with Nitric Oxide Releasers for Healthy Sinuses & Respiratory

Vascular Defense contains Serrapeptase, which is one of the four high potency Systemic Enzymes. In addition to the anti-inflammatory support of Serrapeptase, it also supports respiratory health by reducing mucus production. Studies show Serrapeptase may help the viscosity of mucus which may help clear nasal discharge. Bromelain, another Systemic Enzyme is used to treat sinus infections and naturally contains antiviral properties.

The herbal Nitric Oxide releaser blend contains Garlic Extract and Cayenne Pepper. Garlic Extract naturally has antiviral properties, bolsters the immune system, and eliminates toxins. Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin, which is a thermogenic phytonutrient that clears congestion and supports your body’s response to inflammation.

This innovative and therapeutic approach harnesses the power of both Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide releasers to support your body’s natural processes, providing sinus relief and promoting overall respiratory health.

Enhanced Sinus Health

Systemic Enzymes play a crucial role in modulating inflammation, which can help alleviate sinus discomfort and promote clear nasal passages. Serrapeptase, one of the four high potency Systemic Enzymes in Vascular Defense supports respiratory health by reducing mucus production. Studies show Serrapeptase may help the viscosity of mucus which may help clear nasal discharge. Bromelain has also been used to treat sinus infections.

Garlic Extract and Cayenne Pepper, which are two of the seven concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide releasers contribute to sinus and respiratory health. Garlic Extract naturally has antiviral properties, bolsters the immune system, and eliminates toxins. Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin, which is a thermogenic phytonutrient that clears congestion and supports your body’s response to inflammation.

By promoting a healthy inflammatory balance, Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide releasers can help maintain optimal sinus function.

Respiratory Support

The combination of Systemic Enzymes and herbal Nitric Oxide releasers can provide sustainable support for your respiratory health. Nitric Oxide herbs, such as Beetroot Extract, Red Spinach Leaf Extract, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper are known for their vasodilation benefits, which promotes healthy blood flow in the respiratory system. This, in turn, supports optimal oxygen exchanges and overall respiratory function.

Systemic Enzymes Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase help to maintain clear blood vessels and clear airways to support lung health, contributing to overall improved respiratory health.

Immune System Modulation

Vascular Defense’s combination of high potency Systemic Enzymes and concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide releasers help to modulate the immune system function, which is essential for overall sinus and respiratory health. By promoting a balanced immune response, Vascular Defense can help your body effectively address environmental challenges and maintain a healthy immune system, which contributes to long-term sinus and respiratory wellness.

Natural Approach

One of the key advantages of Vascular Defense is its natural approach to promote immune, sinus, and respiratory health. Rather than relying solely on symptomatic relief, this therapy focuses on supporting your body’s inherent mechanisms. By addressing underlying factors Vascular Defense offers sustainable benefits, without the adverse risks and side effects commonly associated with over the counter and prescribed medications.

The Systemic Enzymes are proteolytic enzymes sourced from natural, non-synthetic sources. Proteolytic enzymes break down non-living tissue into amino acids, which are used to regulate inflammation, repair tissue and organs, and support the immune system.

  • Lumbrokinase is a complex proteolytic enzyme preparation sourced from earthworms.
  • Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme that is produced naturally within the digestive tract of silkworms.
  • Nattokinase is a proteolytic enzyme derived from a Japanese food called Natto, which is non-GMO fermented soy.
  • Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple.

The herbal Nitric Oxide blend (Beetroot Extract, Red Spinach Leaf Extract, Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper) is sourced solely from plants and herbs, without fillers or binders.

Vascular Defense is encapsulated in DRcaps, which is a patented delayed release process capsule that is clinically studied to resist stomach acid. DRcaps consist of a non-GMO vegetable cellulose barrier that allows for a timed release for better absorption into the bloodstream. DRcaps are free from fillers, binders, GMOs, and allergens. Many Systemic Enzymes are produced with enteric coated capsules, which can contain phthalates (plasticizers) or other toxic chemicals. Many capsules also contain unhealthy fillers and binders that can make it more difficult to break down for timely absorption.

Overall Wellness

Beyond specific and sinus and respiratory benefits, Vascular Defense contributes to overall wellness. The interconnected nature of the body means that improvements in sinus and respiratory health can have far-reaching effects on your general well-being. Vascular Defense harnesses the power of high potency Systemic Enzymes and concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide releasers to promote physiological function and support holistic wellness.

Benefits of Systemic Enzyme Therapy with Nitric Oxide Releasers for Optimal Health & Performance

Vascular Defense contributes to optimal health and performance. Vascular Defense is comprised of 4 high potency Systemic Enzymes (Lumbrokinase 360,000 LKU, Serrapeptase 200,000 SPU, Nattokinase 2,000 FUs, and Bromelain 200 mg) and 7 concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide releasers (Beetroot Extract 20:1, Red Spinach Leaf Extract 30:1, Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract 4:1, Ginger Root Extract 4:1, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper). This synergistic formulation enhances all aspects of our physiology, including cardiovascular health, immune system support, sinus and respiratory support, digestive health, athletic performance, and longevity.

Enhanced Cardiovascular Health

One of the primary benefits of Vascular Defense is the support of your cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular health is crucial for longevity, prevention of certain diseases, and can overall improve your quality of life. The high potency Systemic Enzymes in Vascular Defense (Lumbrokinase 360,000 LKU, Serrapeptase 200,000 SPU, Nattokinase 2,000 FUs, and Bromelain 200 mg) play a critical role in maintaining the health of the circulatory system by breaking down excess fibrin, mucus, clots, and biofilms throughout the blood vessels to prevent blood clot formation and increase blood flow. Other benefits include preventing the formation of plaque in the arteries, reducing blood pressure, and boosting the immune system.

Nitric Oxide is a crucial molecule that helps maintain blood vessel health and function. Vascular Defense contains a blend of 7 concentrated Nitric Oxide herbs (Beetroot Extract 20:1, Red Spinach Leaf Extract 30:1, Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract 4:1, Ginger Root Extract 4:1, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper). These nutrients increase the dilation of blood vessels (vasodilation) and enhance the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body; thus, improving blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and supporting your cardiovascular health overall.

Improved Immune System Function

Systemic Enzyme therapy supports the immune system, and are especially effective at high potencies. Systemic Enzymes such as Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, and Bromelain have been shown to break down inflammatory proteins, helping to reduce inflammation and support the immune system. Bromelain and Garlic Extract also contain antiviral properties. Furthermore, Vascular Defense’s blend of concentrated herbal Nitric Oxide releasers play a critical role in regulating the immune system.

Recovery for Athletic Performance

Athletes often face rigorous training regimens and intense physical exertion, leading to muscle fatigue, soreness, and micro-injuries. Vascular Defense’s Systemic Enzymes (Lumbrokinase 360,000 LKU, Serrapeptase 200,000 SPU, Nattokinase 2,000 FUs, and Bromelain 200 mg) promote enhanced recovery by supporting the body’s natural repair processes. Systemic Enzymes play a crucial role in breaking down damaged tissue, cleaning cellular debris and facilitating tissue regeneration. This can contribute to faster recovery from workouts and competitions, allowing athletes to maintain consistent training schedules and perform their best.

Systemic Enzymes enhance the effect of Nitric Oxide releasers. Nitric Oxide is recognized for its role in enhancing exercise performance and recovery by widening the blood vessels (vasodilation), increasing blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles for optimal absorption. Vascular Defense is formulated with Nitric Oxide herbal extracts (Beetroot Extract 20:1, Red Spinach Leaf Extract 30:1, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper) which leads to improved endurance, quicker recovery, and overall better physical performance.

Improved Nutrient Absorption:

In addition to Vascular Defense’s direct effects on inflammation and recovery, it also supports improved nutrient absorption. Proper nutrient uptake is essential for muscle repair, energy production, digestion, and overall health. Enzymes, both Systemic and Digestive aid in the breakdown of nutrients into smaller molecules that can be readily absorbed by the body. By optimizing nutrient absorption, Vascular Defense can help athletes meet their increased nutritional demands and support for performance goals.

Support for Joint Health:

Athletes and people with an active lifestyle can cause repetitive stress to joints during exercise, trainings, and competitions. Over time this can lead to joint discomfort and reduced mobility. Vascular Defense’s Systemic Enzyme therapy can offer support for joints and the maintenance of healthy cartilage. Serrapeptase has been used for decades in Japan and Europe for reducing inflammatory conditions and pain due to trauma, injury, surgery, and other inflammatory conditions. By addressing joint health, Vascular Defense can contribute to overall athletic longevity and performance sustainability. Bromelain also supports quicker recovery times from injuries and exercised induced inflammation and swelling.

Potential Immune System Modulation:

The immune system plays an important role in athletic performance, as intense exercise and oxidative stress can temporarily suppress the immune function, making athletes more susceptible to infections. Serrapeptase, one of the Systemic Enzymes in Vascular Defense, reduces mucus production and supports the immune system. Immune boosting herbs in Vascular Defense’s Nitric Oxide herbal blend are: Garlic Extract, Ginger Extract, and Cayenne Pepper. Most notably, Garlic Extract contains natural antiviral compounds.

By supporting a balanced immune response, Vascular Defense may help athletes maintain overall health and resilience against common illnesses, potentially minimizing disruptions to training schedules and competitions.

Better Cognitive Function and Mental Clarity:

As Nitric Oxide is involved in neurotransmission and brain function, Vascular Defense’s concentrated Nitric Oxide herbal blend may improve cognitive function and mental clarity. Vascular Defense contains a blend of 7 concentrated Nitric Oxide herbs (Beetroot Extract 20:1, Red Spinach Leaf Extract 30:1, Citrus Bergamot, Garlic Extract 4:1, Ginger Root Extract 4:1, Holy Basil Extract, and Cayenne Pepper). These nutrients increase the dilation of blood vessels (vasodilation) and enhance the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, including your brain.

The herbal Nitric Oxide releasers in Vascular Defense offer a wide range of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, supporting your body’s inflammation response, boosting your immune system, increased athletic performance, and enhanced cognitive function.