In Systemic Enzyme supplements, high enzyme activity is indicative of the potency and effectiveness of the supplement. When looking for the highest quality Systemic Enzyme supplement, high enzyme activity is a crucial factor to consider. The enzyme activity level determines how efficiently the enzymes in the supplement can break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the body, aiding in digestion, and potentially providing therapeutic benefits.

Systemic Enzyme supplements with high enzyme activity levels are more likely to be effective in supporting various physiological functions, such as reducing inflammation, promoting tissue repair, and enhancing overall health. Higher enzyme activity means that the supplement contains a greater concentration of active enzymes, which can lead to better absorption and utilization by the body.

When selecting a systemic enzyme supplement, it is essential to look for products that clearly state the enzyme activity levels on their labels. This information typically includes specific measurements of enzyme activity units per serving, indicating the strength and potency of the supplement. Comparing enzyme activity levels among different products can help consumers identify the most potent and beneficial systemic enzyme supplement for their needs.

1. Concentration of Active Ingredients:

Herbal extracts are processed to remove inactive components, leaving behind a higher concentration of active ingredients. This concentration makes the extracts more potent compared to whole herbs, where the nutrients are diluted among all parts of the plant.

2. Removal of Inactive Compounds:

The extraction process eliminates inert or less beneficial compounds present in whole herbs, focusing the extract on the bioactive phytonutrients that provide medicinal benefits. This removal of inactive compounds enhances the potency of herbal extracts.

3. Enhanced Bioavailability:

Herbal extracts are often formulated to increase the bioavailability of active ingredients, allowing for better absorption and utilization by the body. This improved bioavailability contributes to the increased potency of herbal extracts compared to whole herbs.

The therapeutic dose when using Systemic Enzymes refers to the specific amount of enzyme supplement that is considered effective and safe for achieving desired therapeutic outcomes. It is crucial to determine the correct dosage of Systemic Enzymes to ensure optimal benefits while minimizing the risk of adverse effects.

Systemic Enzymes are typically taken in a specific dosage range based on factors such as the individual’s health condition, age, weight, and overall health status. The therapeutic dose may vary depending on the specific enzyme formulation, concentration, and intended therapeutic purpose.

Taking Systemic Enzymes at the therapeutic dose ensures that you are receiving an adequate amount of enzymes to support various physiological functions, such as reducing inflammation, repairing damaged tissue, promoting digestion, and addressing specific health concerns effectively.

Results from Systemic Enzyme therapy such as Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, Bromelain, and herbal Nitric Oxide releasers can vary in terms of how soon they are noticeable. However, based on available research and clinical studies, many people may start to see initial improvements within a few weeks of starting the therapy.

Systemic Enzyme therapy, including enzymes like Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, and Bromelain, and herbal extracts that support nitric oxide production, is believed to have various health benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, and supporting overall cardiovascular and respiratory health.

The time it takes to see results from Systemic Enzyme therapy can depend on several factors, including the individual’s health condition, the severity of symptoms, dosage of the enzymes, overall health status, and adherence to the treatment regimen. Some people may experience noticeable improvements in symptoms such as reduced inflammation, improved breathing, enhanced circulation, and overall well-being within a few weeks of consistent use.

However, it is essential to note that Systemic Enzyme therapy is not a quick-fix solution, and results may vary from person to person. For some individuals, it may take several weeks to months of continuous use before significant improvements in symptoms and quality of life are observed. It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided by healthcare professionals or product manufacturers for optimal results.

Dr. Edward Howell, a prominent researcher in the field of nutrition, highlighted the concept of enzyme deficiency stress and its impact on human health. According to Dr. Howell, enzymes are essential substances that facilitate all chemical reactions in the body. He compared enzymes to a vital “labor force” necessary for building and maintaining the body, emphasizing that without enzymes, other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and hormones would be ineffective.

Enzymes differ from chemical catalysts as they possess life energy and emit radiation during their functions. While enzymes contain proteins and sometimes vitamins, their activity factors cannot be synthesized or replicated by combining other substances. Dr. Howell suggested that individuals inherit a limited enzyme potential at birth, which must last a lifetime. The depletion of this enzyme supply through factors like diet can lead to various health issues.

One significant point made by Dr. Howell is the impact of cooked food on enzyme levels. Cooking food at high temperatures destroys enzymes present in raw foods, leading to a reliance on the body’s enzyme production for digestion. This constant demand for endogenous enzymes can deplete the body’s limited enzyme capacity, potentially contributing to premature aging and various degenerative diseases.

In one striking statement, Dr. Howell mentioned that individuals may lose half of their enzyme potential by age 25 due to factors like diet and lifestyle choices, further emphasizing the critical role of enzymes in overall health and well-being.

Vascular Defense is formulated from nature and works in harmony with the body’s own biochemical pathways to provide relief without the adverse risks and side effects commonly associated with over the counter and prescribed medications, such as Statin drugs.

Systemic Enzyme therapy involves the use of enzymes to support various bodily functions, including reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and supporting overall cardiovascular health. Vascular Defense’s formulation synergistically combines Systemic Enzymes with herbal Nitric Oxide releasers, which help increase the vasodilation of the blood vessels; this therapy can offer many benefits for cardiovascular health, without the risk of side effects.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Systemic Enzymes can help reduce inflammation in the body, which is a key factor in the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. By reducing inflammation, Systemic Enzyme therapy can potentially lower the risk of heart-related complications.

2. Improved Circulation:

Enzymes and Nitric Oxide releasers can help improve blood flow and circulation by promoting vasodilation, which relaxes and widens blood vessels and helps to reduce blood pressure, and improve blood flow. Enhanced circulation can benefit overall cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.

3. Support for Endothelial Function:

Nitric Oxide is crucial for maintaining healthy endothelial function (integrity of the vascular wall and the blood flowing within), which is essential for proper blood vessel function. By boosting Nitric Oxide levels, Vascular Defense can support endothelial health and lessen the risk for cardiovascular events.

4. Cholesterol Management:

While Statins are commonly used to lower cholesterol levels, Systemic Enzyme therapy offer a holistic option to manage cholesterol by supporting the body’s natural processes for cholesterol metabolism and excretion.

Citrus Bergamot is 1 of the 7 herbs in Vascular Defense’s Nitric Oxide blend. Citrus Bergamot is rich in antioxidants and several studies have shown that it may reduce overall bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good (HDL) cholesterol, making this a natural solution to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.